Aliath's Bio | |||||||||||||||||
Aliath | |||||||||||||||||
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Name: Aliath Avangelus Dimetreus Age: 22 Class: Fighter Race: 1/2 Elven Height: 5'10" Weight: 125 Hair: Brown Eyes: 2/3 blue+1/3 green Proficiencies: ***** L. Sword Aliath was an orphan, abandoned by his parents because his mother, who was human and married, had an affair with his father, an elven swords-master from Evermeet. He has only one thing left from his biological parents, his father's sword. The blade is recognizable by elven runes on the hilt and it's sheath. This type of sheath is only given to swords-masters of Evermeet by the Royal family. He was then adopted by 1/2 elven nobles in a region called Baron. Aliath has but one more secret, he has been cursed with Lycanthropy. His curse is not a common one, nor is it natural. When Aliath becomes very angry or his life is threatened, he will morph in to a Were-Wyvern. On many accounts this had saved his life, and on many others it has taken the lives of others. He does his best to keep the transformation under control. | ||||||||||||||||
Castle Baron | |||||||||||||||||
Here Aliath was trained in the ways of the sword and lived the little of his childhood he remembers. His master was a blind ranger, who gave him a pair of gloves. Aliath found out much later that these gloves were magical, and granted his hands double thier normal speed. One day while training, Aliath saw a beautiful woman walk by. She instantly stole his heart. He later found out that she was Baron's princess, Eurerlia, and that she also had fallen in love with him. Aliath tried approaching King Dasmius about wedding her, but he refused and cast Aliath out of the castle. Both young and foolish, Aliath and Eurelia eloped. On thier wedding night Eurelia gave Aliath an amulet, which he never removes. Just days after marriage, they were ambushed in the forest by Baron's court Sage. The sage disabled Aliath's movement with a spell and made him watch Eurelia die slowly. When the spell finally wore off, the infuriated Aliath hurried back to Baron. On arrival he was arrested for the murder of the princess. Aliath was to be executed, except Dasmius spared him. For what reasons, Aliath never found out. There was still one condition to his pardon, that be exiled from Baron for life! Aliath then travelled, looking to fight with who or whatever he could. Only recently he has decided to change after the death of a close friend. Since that night in the forest, he has thought of himself as weak, and that he must improve himself to repay Eurelia for his inability to protect her. This has led him to the Sword Coast. | ||||||||||||||||
Sethis | |||||||||||||||||
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Sethis is my friend and advisor. He is skilled in magiks and has a devout sense of ESP. His study of magiks began when he was cursed to look like a demon. This curse was placed on him by a vengful deity, whoms plan he had foiled. He still adventures, searching for a cure to his curse. He, unlike Aliath, is a diplomat. He prefers talking over fighting, but once in battle he is a lethal foe. | ||||||||||||||||
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